Thankfully, this challenge didn't say anywhere in the rules 31 CONSECUTIVE days, because I'm 5 days behind now! I'll try to catch up by the 31st, but no promises.
This one is actually harder to do the older you are. There is a lot of music to sift through when you’re over 50. Some of these are in no particular order, just in the order I thought of them. Others are, in fact, in their appropriate spots in my rankings.
This one is actually harder to do the older you are. There is a lot of music to sift through when you’re over 50. Some of these are in no particular order, just in the order I thought of them. Others are, in fact, in their appropriate spots in my rankings.
1) We've Only Just Begun - Carpenters
This song is appearing for the 2nd time in this blog, and it is indeed my #1 of all time. For a lot of reasons, not the least of which is Karen’s otherworldly voice. But this song, which started life as a Crocker Bank jingle, was penned by the mighty Paul Williams, and bears all the elements of his amazing style. Also, it has Richard’s micrometered harmony arrangements, and features some Wrecking Crew players. For me, that’s a home run combination.
2) More Today Than Yesterday - Spiral Staircase
2) More Today Than Yesterday - Spiral Staircase
This one is just simply the happiest song I know. From its bouncy lilt to its ever-uplifting theme, it is the ultimate pick me up. No matter what mood I’m in, if this song comes on, I’m smiling by the end.
3) Chase The Clouds Away - Chuck Mangione
3) Chase The Clouds Away - Chuck Mangione
I love this song for a lot of reasons. First, it’s Chuck, man. That said, I’ve been a big fan of Chuck’s long-form style for a long time. The melody soars simply over a lovely chord progression that applies the concept of tension/release in exquisite ways. Plus, Chuck’s wonderful orchestrations add further to the beauty. Further, this song holds a lot of personal memories for me, as my late best friend also loved Mangione's work and this was one of his favorites, too.
4) Brite Nightgown - Donald Fagen
4) Brite Nightgown - Donald Fagen
This song galvanizes everything there is to love about Fagen (and Steely Dan). Wry, sardonic lyrics, dark subject matter, and a meticulously clean yet unbelievably funky groove. Fagen's craftsmanship is in no better evidence than this ridiculously catchy tune.
5) Sowing The Seeds of Love - Tears For Fears
5) Sowing The Seeds of Love - Tears For Fears
I wouldn’t have thought of this one, but I went into iTunes and sorted my list of over 14,000 songs by number of plays, and this song was at the top of the list, having almost 3x as many plays as the #2 song on my list. So, I must really like it; and indeed I do. Powerful lyric, bombastic Sgt. Pepper era influence in the arrangement, soaring vocal performance.
6) Scenes From an Italian Restaurant - Billy Joel
6) Scenes From an Italian Restaurant - Billy Joel
Just an EPIC piece of songwriting and performing. 7 minutes plus of vintage Joel imagery. The top of my bucket list would be to play this song on drums with Billy and his band in concert at Madison Square Garden.
7) Lullabye - Chuck Mangione
7) Lullabye - Chuck Mangione
If More Today than Yesterday is the happiest song I know, then this is the saddest. Aching in its beauty, Lullabye paints a haunting picture of familial loss through the eyes of an innocent child. What drives it home even more is the understanding that this particular performance was captured at the moment of the song’s conception. Chuck sat at the Fender Rhodes very late at night in the studio; the clarinet player and vocalist were sight reading, and the final take was in fact the first take. Strings were overdubbed later, but the essence of the performance is its own innocence; being captured forever on its very first performance.
8) James - Pat Metheny Group
8) James - Pat Metheny Group
This is my favorite Pat Metheny song. It also makes this list because of its high play count in my iTunes. It has a lovely melody, an even lovelier chord progression, and monumental solo work. Plus, it feels like a story; with a distinct beginning, a middle, and an end.
9) Why Not? (Manhattan Carnaval) - Manhattan Transfer
9) Why Not? (Manhattan Carnaval) - Manhattan Transfer
This is another “instant happy” song. Filled with exuberance, and some truly stratospheric technical playing and singing.
10) My Ecstasy - STILL
10) My Ecstasy - STILL
I would be remiss if I didn’t include one indie song. I have amassed many friends in the music biz over the years, and also have curated a truly massive (400+) collection of CDs that were recorded by these friends. A few of those friends make truly world class music; stuff that belongs in the “massive seller” pantheon in terms of quality, but lacking label backing for reasons passing understanding. Of all the indie songs, I esteem this one highest. Wade Biery, under the musical pseudonym STILL, crafts some incredible rock and roll. This song grabbed me so hard when I first heard it in 2000 on It has every element of a great song: powerful lyrics, masterful playing, a killer groove, perfect structure, and that intangible X-factor of likability. I’ve been a big fan of Wade’s music ever since, and we’ve become friends over our shared love of the art.
What are YOUR favorite all time songs? Let me know in the comments!
What are YOUR favorite all time songs? Let me know in the comments!