And, we’re off! The gauntlet lies bloodied and limp on the floor, my cheek bears a scathing red mark, and I’ve accepted the 31-day Blog Challenge. Day 1 is supposed to just be an introduction, but this is really more of a RE-introduction, because I’m no stranger to the online world. I’m not even a stranger to blogging; having had one for 10 years now (dreadfully written and sparsely read though it may be, you can look it over HERE). But, this is the first entry in my NEW blog, here on philtraynor.com proper. I hope to build a following here, because I’m just as vain as the next guy, starved for attention and needy for adoration. *ahem* Or, rather, I "want to provide a rich set of consumable content that will entice readers to return purely for the joy of reading and intellectual stimulation. Something like that, anyway.
If this is indeed your first go-round with me, you’re probably wondering who the heck I am. In the spirit of first-blog disclosure, here goes!
I’m Phil Traynor. I’m originally from Syracuse NY, and I live in Clearwater FL now. I’m 52 years old, married for the 2nd time (Bonnie), and father for the 1st time (Abby). My day job involves computer technology, and makes me happy; my primary avocation is music. I’m a jazz musician and composer, as well as a recording engineer. I play drums, bass, keyboard, and guitar. It’s been that way for nigh onto 40 years now. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love music, and didn’t love playing it.
I have some ancillary hobbies, like video editing, being a Photoshop nerd, being a Christmas light wacko, and nerding out in a few fan universes; Star Trek, Harry Potter, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (and its television subordinates).
If this is indeed your first go-round with me, you’re probably wondering who the heck I am. In the spirit of first-blog disclosure, here goes!
I’m Phil Traynor. I’m originally from Syracuse NY, and I live in Clearwater FL now. I’m 52 years old, married for the 2nd time (Bonnie), and father for the 1st time (Abby). My day job involves computer technology, and makes me happy; my primary avocation is music. I’m a jazz musician and composer, as well as a recording engineer. I play drums, bass, keyboard, and guitar. It’s been that way for nigh onto 40 years now. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love music, and didn’t love playing it.
I have some ancillary hobbies, like video editing, being a Photoshop nerd, being a Christmas light wacko, and nerding out in a few fan universes; Star Trek, Harry Potter, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (and its television subordinates).